Haxe US-Summit 2019

May 8-10 @ Seattle


The US Haxe Summit is a three day event which will take place in Seattle in May 2019. It is the main Haxe Community Event in the US and a great meeting spot for the people who create Haxe, people who work with it or people who are new to Haxe and want to explore it.

We will have a mix of presentations and workshops about topics ranging from game development with Haxe to things you can get up to on the Web.

Join us to:

And all of that even before the conference party has worked its magic.

See you soon!





Are you :

Then we would love to hear from you!

We are interested in quick showcases, more thorough presentations and full workshops.

Not sure if you should get up on that stage? Apply anyway! We will help you figure it out.

Speak Up!


The Haxe Summit is like a yearly dose of fresh energy for the Haxe community and the makers of Haxe. Help us put on a good show and grow the community. Who knows, you might even meet your future Haxe developer while you are enjoying the Summit with us!

Sponsor the Event

Are you interested in sponsoring this event? Awesome, we would love to hear from you.

sponsor the event


The full ticket price will be 450 USD so take advantage of our Early bird pricing now!
Early bird pricing will be until 28th February.



The conference will take place at 1008 Western Avenue, Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98104



  1. Wednesday

    1. Breakfast

      May 08 @ 08:00 - 08:55

      Presented by:

    2. Opening Address

      May 08 @ 09:00 - 09:25

    3. Haxe 4: What's new.

      May 08 @ 09:30 - 10:25

      Overview of new features and breaking changes.

      Presented by:

    4. Titan : Macro-Powered FFI for Haxe/LuaJit

      May 08 @ 10:30 - 10:55

      Titan is a Haxe library for LuaJIT that enables automatic type translations from Haxe function externs into LuaJIT FFI calls. Applications include enabling fast applications utilizing the speed of LuaJIT combined with raw C code.

      Presented by:

    5. Coffee Break

      May 08 @ 11:00 - 11:25

      Presented by:

    6. Declarative UI programming

      May 08 @ 11:30 - 12:25

      Has this ever happened to you? You have crafted the most beautiful UI that has all the right information arranged in the most elegant way, when suddenly, the user clicks around in the most unexpected way and before you know it the UI and application states are two worlds apart. Then you need to build your UI in a declarative way and leave the tedious details of making this declaration come alive to the machine.

      Presented by:

    7. Lunch Break

      May 08 @ 12:30 - 13:25

      Presented by:

    8. Declarative UI programming workshop

      May 08 @ 13:30 - 15:25

      Building on the ideas and tools presented in the talk about declarative UI programming, we'll build a UI heavy application from scratch, to see them applied in a little more depth.

      Presented by:

    9. Coffee Break

      May 08 @ 15:30 - 15:55

      Presented by:

    10. Building Giffon with Serverless and Haxe

      May 08 @ 16:00 - 16:25

      "It is an experience sharing session on the journey of building Giffon, a crowd-gifting platform where you can state what you want and let your friends collectively buy it as a gift for you.

      I will describe how did I wire up services (Stripe, Amazon, Facebook etc.) and programming tools (MySQL, HTML/JS, Node, Python etc.) with Haxe and got it running on AWS Lambda."

      Presented by:

    11. XhX - 10 years of haxe

      May 08 @ 16:00 - 16:55

      This talk will cover recent changes to hxcpp in the lead up to haxe version 4, as well as a look at how I got there and where I might be going. A bit like the Dickensian Christmas Carol, but without the turkey. And with computers. Actually, maybe it will be more like Back To The Future, but without the DeLorean. Or a hoverboard. Well, you get the picture.

      Presented by:

    12. Scaling Well With Others

      May 08 @ 16:30 - 16:55

      Presented by:

    13. FlowPlay Happy Hour

      May 08 @ 17:00 - 19:00

      Presented by:

    14. Conference party at the Copperworks Distilling Company

      May 08 @ 18:00 - 20:00

      Presented by:

  2. Thursday

    1. Breakfast

      May 09 @ 08:00 - 08:55

      Presented by:

    2. OpenFL Next

      May 09 @ 09:00 - 09:55

      Gain deeper insight into the vision that drives the OpenFL project, while taking a closer look at new features introduced in the latest release. This session will help bring clarity to the roadmap, focus areas for the team and why the future of OpenFL is so bright.

      Presented by:

    3. Audio Development with Haxe

      May 09 @ 10:00 - 10:55

      Thomas will cover the features of the open source haxe based library he made for working with audio and midi, grig, and go over how he leveraged haxe's features to make it possible. Also covers general advice for making audio applications whether or not you use grig in doing so.

      Presented by:

    4. Coffee Break

      May 09 @ 11:00 - 11:25

      Presented by:

    5. The Untapped Potential of Haxe: Why I'm Building a Database Engine Using Pure-Haxe

      May 09 @ 11:30 - 12:25

      I'll go through how I, an open-source Haxian who was working on a media player application came to the conclusion that I should build my own embedded database engine. After that bit, I'll move forward explaining why Haxe was the best tool for the job and how it's enabling me to write the engine to be impressively fast/flexible. Closing out, I'll explore how this may be a case study for Haxe's potentially enormous potential within certain categories of development for which it's almost never used.

      Presented by:

    6. Lunch Break

      May 09 @ 12:30 - 13:25

      Presented by:

    7. OpenFL Interactive

      May 09 @ 13:30 - 15:25

      Expand your knowledge and expertise as Joshua Granick, creator of OpenFL, takes you through features and techniques valuable for intermediate and advanced developers alike! Find new ways to share OpenFL content online, to interact with multiple OpenFL applications, bring new confidence to any size codebase by integrating testing, and more.

      Presented by:

    8. Coffee Break

      May 09 @ 15:30 - 15:55

      Presented by:

  3. Friday

    1. Breakfast

      May 10 @ 08:00 - 08:55

      Presented by:

    2. Introductory Haxe Workshop

      May 10 @ 09:00 - 10:55

      Learn the basics of Haxe by writing a simple game together. Discover what makes Haxe so powerful in cross-platform development. This hand-on workshop is designed for absolute Haxe beginners. Participates should have some coding experience (in other languages) though. Remember to bring a laptop (and a geeky friend if possible).

      Presented by:

    3. Coffee Break

      May 10 @ 11:00 - 11:25

      Presented by:

    4. Eating Soup with a Fork: Retooling the Lime Stack to Embed an OpenFL App into a .NET Control

      May 10 @ 11:30 - 12:25

      David and Alex will discuss why they decided to port a Windows .NET control that's been in deployment for nearly a decade to Haxe/OpenFL. They will cover in detail their action-packed journey and accompanying struggles. Starting with no knowledge of the technology stack, they're working to host a fully featured graphical application in a .NET wrapper that exposes a rich external API.

      Presented by:

    5. Lunch Break

      May 10 @ 12:30 - 13:25

      Presented by:

    6. forGL: Any Language Does Computer Programming

      May 10 @ 13:30 - 14:25

      forGL is an application that allows people to program computers without knowing English OR Programming. English knowledge is OK also :)

      Will show demo, screen shots, some talk of approaches used, future directions.

      Words in their own language are edited in a Dictionary and then run as a program with output and debugging. European languages supported now. More languages perhaps by May.

      Presented by:

    7. Closing Address

      May 10 @ 14:30 - 14:55

    8. Open Discussions / Panels

      May 10 @ 15:00 - 17:00

      Presented by:

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